Shop » Solenoid Coils » Argo Hytos C22B-01200E1 Solenoid coil 12 Volt RPE3-06 valve Ø22 mm

Argo Hytos C22B-01200E1 Solenoid coil 12 Volt RPE3-06 valve Ø22 mm


SKU: AH C22B-12VDC Category:


Argo Hytos C22B-01200E1 Solenoid coil 12 Volt RPE3-06 valve Ø22 mm

Manufacturer / Producer: Argo Hytos

Serie / Series: C22B for Argo Hytos RPE3-06 Valves / C22B for Argo Hytos RPE3-06 Valves

Type / Type: C22B-01200E1

Direct current: 12 volts

Including sealing rings / O-ring seals included

Nominal size / scale: NG6

Winding resistance: 25.3Ω


Technical specifications:

The coil voltage is 12 VDC

Spool hole fi 22 mm

Spool length 52 mm

The coil is 100% ED

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg