Shop » Hydraulic Valves » Flow control valve with scale VPR3 3/4 | 115L/min | 210 bar flow divider LKF 60

Flow control valve with scale VPR3 3/4 | 115L/min | 210 bar flow divider LKF 60


SKU: LKF60 FCV-51-3/4 Category:


Flow control valve with scale VPR3 3/4 | 115L/min | 210 bar flow divider LKF 60

Connection IN to the supply line and CF to the priority receiver or to the hydraulic system line where flow regulation is required. Connect EX to the second receiver.

Technical specifications:

Internal thread: 3/4″

Max flow: 115L/min

Flow control range [CF]: 0,5-110L / min

Max. working pressure: 210bar

Liquid temperature: -15 C … +80 C

Material: cast iron

Temperature range and oil type:

Permissible ambient temperature: -40 C to +60 C

Permissible oil temperature: -15 C to +80 C

Oil type: Mineral oil based hydraulic oil